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Bellamacina, Greta

Spearheading a new generation of female poets Greta Bellamacina writes with a liquid musicality and existential complexity, influenced by the French Surrealist poets, Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton. Her work explores the themes of love, loss, nature, motherhood, depression, identity and war. ‘WHO WILL MAKE THE FIRE’ is Greta Bellamacina’s fourth collection of poems, it employs metaphors of wind, dawn, trees and fire to explore an interior world. The collection questions what it is to really live, to live with peace and stillness and passion and fire. The collection has been described as ‘A spell binding collection.’ by Nick Cave, and Florence Welch says of Greta Bellamacina- ‘Dreamlike, with bite. Bellamacina’s work is brutal, floral, blood-soaked and knowing, in the way that nature is both cruel and beautiful.’