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Book cover of Paris to the Moon

Paris to the Moon

A Family in France

Adam Gopnik


In 1995, Adam Gopnik, his wife, and their infant son left the familiar comforts and hassles of New York for the urbane glamour of Paris. Charmed by the beauties of the city, Gopnik set out to experience for himself the spirit and romance that has so captivated American writers throughout the twentieth century. In the grand tradition of Stein and Hemingway, Gopnik planned to walk the paths of the Tuilleries, to enjoy philosophical discussion in cafés - in short, to lead the fabled life of an American in Paris.Of course, there was also the matter of raising a child and carrying on with everyday, not-so-fabled life.

Publisher: Quercus Publishing
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 10 Jan 2008
Dimensions: 197 x 129 x 22 mm
ISBN: 9781847243928

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