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Power to the People

Use your voice, change the world

Danny Sriskandarajah


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Power to the People addresses growing voter apathy and disenchantment worldwide - that familiar sense that governments have become decoupled from their constituencies, that votes no longer count, and that politicians and institutions are too focused on short-term issues to grapple with complex global issues such as climate change and rising inequality.

The book is structured into two halves, the first half diagnosing problems and the second half proposing solutions. Danny urges readers to make a positive difference through engagement and active citizenry. He calls for reform of outdated Bretton Woods organisations such as the IMF and World Bank, and for greater use of citizens' assemblies. The proposal contains some fascinating examples of citizen power in action such as Avaaz's campaign to take down a notoriously corrupt politician in Brazil.

From public ownership of social media spaces to democratising share ownership, and from re-energising co-operatives to creating a people's chamber at the United Nations, this campaigning book has a clear mission to make us reclaim our power as citizens of the world.

Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 18 Jul 2024
Dimensions: 234 x 153 x 153 mm
ISBN: 9781035414246