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'Absolutely stunning.' Hernan Diaz

The Icelandic Psychological Association has prepared a test.
They call it a sensitivity assessment -- a way of measuring a person’s empathy and identifying the potential for anti-social behaviour.

In a few days’ time, Iceland will vote on whether to make the test compulsory for every citizen. The nation is bitterly divided. Some believe the test makes society safer; others decry it as a violation.

As the referendum draws closer, four people – Vetur, Eyja, Tristan and Ólafur – find themselves caught in the teeth of the debate. Each of them will have to reckon with uncomfortable questions: Where do the rights of society end and the rights of the individual begin? When does utopia become dystopia?

No matter which side wins, they will all have to find a way to live with the result.

Publisher: Faber & Faber
Binding: Hardback
Publication date: 06 Jun 2024
Dimensions: 216 x 135 x 135 mm
ISBN: 9780571376742