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11 December 2023 , 19:00

Greg Proops Live! (followed by mince pies, mulled wine and carol singing...)

A festive evening of comedy with the wonderful Greg Proops.

Join us as Greg records a live episode of his smash-hit podcast The Smartest Man in the World, after which Prof. Lex Paulson will lead the traditional S&Co carol singing. Mince pies and mulled wine will be served.

Free & open to all. Places limited. Arrive early to avoid disappointment.


Greg Proops is a stand-up comic from San Francisco, best known for his unpredictable appearances on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, which is back on TV on the CW network. Mr. Proopdog has a chart topping podcast called “The Smartest Man in the World,” which he has recorded live from around the world

Greg Proops 8107183
“Shakespeare is the happy hunting ground of all minds that have lost their balance.”